February 11, 2014
CALL TO ORDER: 7:30 pm
Monthly meeting, Second Tuesday, 7:30 at Concord Airport Terminal.
Friday Fun Fly, Third Friday, 7:00 - 9:00 pm.
Gym at the Church of the Nazarene, 1650 Ashby Dr., Concord
This month's Fun Fly is on Friday, February 21.
3488.74 old balance
100.00 deposit to Buttercups
3388.74 new balance
Minutes read and approved.

10 people flew in the catapult contest. The event was well attended and members are interested in continuing this contest regularly.
The club welcomes Maurice Lieberman, Modeller for many years, mostly boats, now getting into planes.
Reserved Buttercups for this year's Christmas Party.
Next catapult contest will be Feb. 28, 9:00 - 1:00, pizza following.
for 2 more people in carpool. See attached flyer.
Chili Cookoff, Saturday, May 17, Hillcrest Park.
The club will contribute to the Flying Tigers museum in the amount of $45. The donation prize (hat) will be raffled in a future meeting.
Mark Harrison NoodleCopter. There's a link below with some more
Graupner speed 280 motor w/ props, Great Planes wing jig, ThreeDee RC park flyer, Expoxy 15 min, Panda 80 glider kit, Zap glue (2), 1/2A free flight orbiter, 1/2A Starduster X, Kiwi Koop free flight, Okie Bird free flight.
Jim Muether, P30 Goblin, has lost 3 or 4, but flies very well. 1/32 balso all around, just finished, 50g exactly. about 2.5 days in the build.
Ron, Flyzone Calypso, painted asymmetric wings. latex paint, Home Depot color sampler for $2.94, added about a gram of weight.
George notes that a sharpie marker will stop seepage of latext paint.
Chuck points out that painting the bottom of the wing darker and the top of the wing lighter will result in better contrast. Doing the opposite will cause the sun wash out the contrast. This is why fighters are typically painted with the top side darker.
Maurice Lieberman brought his first two planes. Sesame seeds, chili flakes, and makeup borrowed from the wife are the secret ingredient in the special decoration.
Jerry Barlow built a flying witch. Powered with 0.49. Hopefully some more people will build some and we can have a Witch fly-in and combat.
Jerry also brought a Magna Board to demonstrate.
Mark Harrison brought the Noodle Copter, a quadcopter built from pool noodles. It flies suprisingly well. More details can be found at the NoodleCopter Update page.
Two videos below. The first is a night flight, showing the LED lights embedded in the arms. Mark made this one into his Youtube Welcome screen. The second video is showing fully autonomous flight.
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