Monday, June 3, 2024

Realflight Channel Information

Courtesy of flightengr at Realflight Forums:

Most models follow some standard conventions.

All helis have a Throttle Hold feature on RealFlight Channel 9. You need to release that hold in order to make the heli responsive to the throttle.

Planes generally have:

flaps on RealFlight Channel 6 - Flaps, the landing gear on RealFlight Channel 7 - Smoke, and either SAFE Panic Mode or Thrust Reverse on RealFlight Channel 12. Both planes and helis equipped with SAFE flight modes use RealFlight Channel 8 to change modes.

You don't mention which controller you're using. If you're using the InterLink DX controller, here's where you'll find those functions:

Switch A - RF Channel 7  - Smoke and landing gear
Switch B - RF Channel 8  - Mode
Switch C - RF Channel 5  - Elevator Dual Rate
                          (or Dual Rate for all of Ail/Ele/Rud
                           when only one switch is used by the model)
Switch D - RF Channel 6  - Flaps
Switch H - RF Channel 9  - Throttle Hold (for helis)
Switch F - RF Channel 10 - Aileron Dual Rate
Switch G - RF Channel 11 - Rudder Dual Rate
Button I - RF Channel 12 - SAFE Panic or Thrust Reverse
                          (depends if the model has either of these features)

If you're using your own radio as a controller, you'll have to map your radio's channels to the RealFlight Channels using the Controller Profile.