
Sunday, June 29, 2014

UMX Radian, Maiden Flight

Woo Hoo, it's sweet.  After I saw Chuck's I had to have one.  It arrived, and I took it out for a spin at Caldecott Field.  No wind on the ground, but gusts up higher where we weren't sheltered in the valley.

Not a whole lot to say about setting up... take it out of the box, attach the wing, attach the velcro (I do it opposite of what they recommend -- soft velcro on the battery), charge up the battery, bind it, and go! You do need to let it sit still for a couple of seconds for the gyro to initialize.  There's no accelerometer, so it doesn't have be be laying flat.  The little batteries are great.  I flew for 30-40 minutes on two, with lots of smooth gliding.

I'll probably try this wing magnet mod.

Here's some clips of the maiden flight. I'm temporarily without a video editor, so I just cut them together with quicktime.  The second version has some music from the YouTube library (the artistry of EastBay RC never ends!), but for some reason that drops the video down from 1080p to 720p.  Anyways, they both show the basic sweetness.

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