
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

CP210x Drivers for Flip Boards

So it turns out that the Flip boards use a SiLabs CP2102 for its serial/USB interface, and I didn't have the drivers on either my Mac (quelle horreur!) or Windows boxes.  The symptom is that you bring up the Arduino IDE or the MultiWii GUI and don't see the device in the list.

Thankfully, Pololu has drivers (and instructions, if you need them) for both of these and Linux as well.  The page mentions MacOS 1.7 but it seems to work fine on my MacOS 1.8 box as well.

On the Mac it installs as /dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART.

1 comment:

  1. Mark, the pool noodle copter brought me here, then I saw you headline.
    I have never flown a quadcopter, but love the idea.
    I would be willing to trade, some flight time with whatever you think best for a sail on the bay (In the summer of course).
