
Saturday, June 9, 2012

EasyCap Notes

Received my EasyCap USB video adapter (model DC60) from DealExtreme and gave it a try... not bad for a $9 piece of equipment. Here's some random notage:

Mac EasyCapViewer is here. It's a port of the reversed-engineered linux version.  Seems to work pretty nicely. has record mode.

There seems to be a lot of variations in model numbers, features, video resolutions, etc.  Not sure what they all mean, but seems to affect which drivers, etc. you need.  It seems the DC60+ doesn't work on Mac at this time.

Includes a CD with ULead for windows.  There's also a drivers directory which seemed to install the right things on Windows 7.  I installed that but not the ULead software.

 Here's the video input running through the APM Planner.  I was at work so the only handy video input was my gamecube.  Let's FPV through Pikman 2!
Turn the video on under Configuration/Planner.  Here's the parameters I used for the shot above.

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