
Thursday, November 17, 2011

Attaching an FTDI connector to an Arduino

 Here's how to hook up an FDTI connector to an Aduino card.  You need one of these when you're programming an Aduino that doesn't have a USB connector.  In this case, it's an Aduino Mini mounted on a MultiWii Paris board.

The FTDI connector plugs into the six pins on the top of the card. You don't need to care about the pin names, but note the BLK and GRN labels.

 Plug a mini USB cable (technically a "USB 2.0 Mini Type B 5 position")  onto the FTDI card and attach it to your computer.  Your computer should load the correct driver.

The FTDI connector is not keyed, so it's easy to attach it backwards.  Nothing bad will happen, but it won't work. There are BLK and GRN labels here as well.  Line up the labels with the Arduino and make the six pins are going into the six sockets.

Your software will have some menu for picking the serial port and baud rate.  On my windows box it's COM6, and on my Mac it's some odd name with "USB" in the middle.

BTW, I don't know what BLK and GRN stand for.  I'm assuming it's "black" and "green", and that some ancient connector used wires of those colors.  In any case, all modern FTDI connectors are cards, and they're all labelled with BLK and GRN.

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