
Sunday, January 30, 2011

rcexplorer kk build guide released

David has released the first cut at a setup guide here.  Initially it covers tri and quad configurations.  Check it out, and if you're building an rcexplorer copter leave a note on rcexplorer so we can follow you!
"This little procedure has the potential to save you platform or face, so be sure to make it a habit."

Some random questions based on first reading: (update: with some answers provided by David in the comments)
  • what's the difference between setting up a + and x quad configuration?  Is it simply a matter of downloading the right software?  does the board need to be rotated 45 degrees?
    answer: there are some differences, guide will be updated soon.
  • where's the software download?
  • where's a pointer to how to download a new build? presumably somewhere over in kk-land.
    answer: need to know about AVR programming, perhaps David will create a guide for that as well.
  • in section "finding the correct gain" the last item is "too low gain is recognized by", what is "too high gain recognized by"?
    answer: "too high gain" is recognized by platform rocking back and forth or side to side.
  • need to figure out how EPA works... is this something the kk software does automatically?  Does this refer to the radio sticks or the ESCs?  or perhaps both have them?
    answer: EPA is set in the transmitter, and is like a global dual rates setting.


  1. Awesome blog Mark :) Keep up the good work!
    Yes there are some differences between the X an + quad setup. The board will be rotated 45° as well as some other stuff. I'll be updating the guide soon.

    In order to update the firmware you need an AVR programmer and some AVR burning know how. Maybe I'll make a guide on that :)

    To high gain is recognized by oscillation the platform rocking back and forth or side to side.

    EPA is set in your transmitter. It's like Dual Rates except that's a global parameter in the transmitter.


  2. Just published a Quad-X guide for just for you Mark ;)

  3. Thanks David... I'm happy for everybody else to use it too! :)
