Here's a current-sensing module from Sparkfun. It's non-invasive, clamping around the wire carrying the current you wish to measure. I'm planning to use it to watch a particular appliance and see when it's on and off.
My initial plans are to attach it to an ESP8266 (Huzzah breakout), upload the measured current to thingspeak via a local wifi, and watch it from there.
Example apps:
(example 1)
(example 2)
blogodex = {"toc" : "current sensing"};
Tuesday, March 29, 2016
Saturday, March 19, 2016
Friday, March 18, 2016
Tiny Shopping List
$1.25 8x4 props (2)
$0.00 theraband prop saver bands
$0.19 JST pigtail, ESC side
$0.72 2mm bullet plugs, male (3) (motor side)
$0.72 2mm bullet plugs, female (3) (ESC side)
$0.00 2.5mm heat shrink tubing
$6.46 9g servos (2)
$0.29 control horns (2)
$13.73 2S/3S balance charger
$14.40 3S 500 mAh LiPo batteries (2)